12 oct. 20213 Min

How to start a thrift store online and without coding

The thrift store is a business that collects second-hand clothes to resell them. It's a trendy way of consuming, but not new. Indeed, it became popular in the 19th century, where it became a symbol of diversity and originality, and the means to be fashion at low prices. Today, this circular mode of consumption, in vogue, which is experiencing strong growth. Here is a guide to creating your online thrift store.

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Legal obligations

First and foremost, to start an online thrift store, you must comply with these legal obligations :

  • Declare your activity either as a self-employed person with URSSAF or as a company with the CFE of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in your region

  • Keep a police register or flea market register signed by the mayor or a police commissioner in the city of your head office.

  • Take out professional liability insurance.

Define a strategy

After having carried out a market study, you must define the economic model of your activity : the way in which you will earn money.

To define your business model, you can rely on the Business Model Canva. To go further, click here.

Business Model Canva

We advise you to choose a color by target segments, here is an example :

Thrift store Business Model Canva example

For each target segment, you must complete the following steps :

1- Define target segments

To properly identify the target segments, you can decide who your service offering is aimed at (CSP, age, hobbies, etc.), what problems they encounter, what their needs, etc.

2- Define the value proposition

It's about determining what solution you want to provide to a problem or what needs you want to meet for which target segments.

3- Define the channels

You must identify and determine the communication channels:

It is necessary to determine the appropriate communication channels for each target segments, among which :

  • Social networks

  • Website

  • TV, radio, press

  • Displays, brochures, flyers and business cards

  • Word of mouth

  • etc.

You also need to determine the distribution channels.

In the case of an online business, the latter designate the delivery methods. There are several delivery methods, you must choose the one or those that are suitable for your activity :

  • Home delivery

  • Relay point delivery

  • Pickup

4- Define the customer relationship

Defining the customer relationship is about determining the customer experience you want to create before, during and after the sale of your items. You will thus be able to attract new customers, facilitate purchasing decision-making, retain them, and make them your ambassadors.

5- Define the type of thrift store and sources of income

In fact, according to ADIE, there are 3 types of thrift store:

  • Destocked clothes: this involves buying clothes from major brands and factory outlets

  • Second-hand clothes: you can buy clothes by weight from wholesalers

  • Deposit-sale: clothes are bought from individuals in exchange for a buy-back price that you set, and then resell them

Depending on the type of thrift store you choose, you can determine the sources of income: what revenue model, what price will be charged, how customers will pay, etc.

6- Identify key resources

Key resources are everything you have or need to acquire that will be essential to grow your business:

  • Human ressources

  • Financial ressources

  • Material resources

  • Intellectual resources like patents, licenses, etc.

7- Define the main activities

This is to identify and detail all the activities that will allow the business to operate. For example: purchase / resale, website creation, etc.

8- Identify potential key partners

It is a question of determining all the socio-economic, political and cultural actors who will help you create an ecosystem favorable to your development:

  • Suppliers

  • Delivery partners

  • Institutions

  • Service providers

  • etc.

9- Identify the main cost structures

As with any other commercial activity, you will have to make investments to create your thrift store. Online commerce is not exempt. This involves determining the main investments, fixed costs and variable costs:

  • Stock

  • Storage room

  • Packing for delivery

  • Communication

  • Human ressources

  • Delivery costs

  • etc.

Obtain stock of merchandise

Depending on the type of thrift store you have chosen, you must obtain a varied and substantial stock of merchandise so that your customers have a choice.

Create the online store

After having done your market research, defined your type of thrift store and your strategy, you can use the Ecommerce model for your thrift store

  • Buy the Ecommerce app template

  • Customize the model and the database

  • Publish the app